GitHub Pages provides an effective way to host static web pages from GitHub repositories. You can link a custom domain to your GitHub page to create a professional site without a separate host. This guide explains how to set up a GitHub page and connect a GoDaddy domain.

Creating a GitHub Page

  • Log into GitHub and create a public repo named <username>, using either your personal or organization’s GitHub username.
  • You can simply add a index.hmtl with any associated CSS files and you are ready to go.
  • The site will be live at
  • GitHub supports static generator Jekyll to create some professional sites for free. See how to add a Jekyll theme to your site.

Adding a Custom Domain

  • Purchase a domain (say using a domain manager like GoDaddy.
  • In the Domain Dashboard select the domain you want to point to the GitHub Page.
  • Edit the apex domain A record with the Name @ in it and edit the IP address to the following four IPs:
  • You can check the DNS using a Linux bash shell using the command dig:
    • dig +noall +answer -t A
  • Edit the CNAME (www subdomain) record with the Type www and change the pointer to <username> and Save it.

  • You can check the DNS again:
    • dig WWW.MYDOMAIN.COM +nostats +nocomments +nocmd
  • In the GitHub repo, navigate to Settings -> Pages -> Custom domain and add the purchased domain eg. and Save it.

  • Allow for a little time for the DNS to propogate and now your custum domain ( should point to the GitHub Page (<username>
